Distributed Systems and Cloud Computing

About Us

Our world-leading distributed computing research group is pushing the boundaries of how we can extract more performance and computer-power from large-scale networks of computing devices. Fog, edge, cloud and grid computing issues are a continuing focus of our distributed computing work.


Given name Family namePositionProfileEmail
GiuseppeBarcaAssociate ProfessorProfileGiuseppe.Barca@unimelb.edu.au
Rajkumar BuyyaRedmond Barry Distinguished ProfessorProfilerbuyya@unimelb.edu.au
TawfiqIslamAssociate LecturerProfiletawfiqul.islam@unimelb.edu.au
RichardSinnottProfessor Applied Computing Science and Director, eResearchProfilersinnott@unimelb.edu.au

Graduate Researchers

Given name Family nameProfile Thesis Title
SiddharthAgarwalProfileServerless computing optimization: reducing cold starts
MingChenProfileA heterogeneous stream processing system based on online learning and blockchain in IoT
MohammadGoudarziProfileEnergy and Time Aware Scheduling of Applications in Edge and Fog Computing Environments
YulunHuangProfileResource Management and Application Scheduling in Big Data Cloud
RabindraLamsalProfileSocial media analytics: a real-time machine learning approach
Anupama RuwanthikaMampageProfileContext-aware dynamic resource management in fog/edge computing environments
RajeevMuralidharProfileEnergy aware systems: abstractions, API and architectural framework for cross layer energy efficiency
Thanh HoaNguyenProfileServerless Quantum Cloud Computing
Samodha KanchaniPallewattaProfileMobility-aware application modeling in edge and fog computing environments
KalyaniPenyalaProfileMachine learning-based Management of Data Centre Resources for Green Cloud Computing
Tharindu BandaraSaryakara HewageProfileLearning-centric Resource Management in Energy-efficient Cloud Computing
ChenhaoTongProfileMulti-agent Distributed Autonomous System Optimisation using Reinforcement Learning
LingfeiWangProfileHigh performance event detection and tracking in social media
ZhiyuWangProfileA New Approach for Efficient Deployment of Applications in Edge Cloud
ZirenXiaoProfileRuntime optimisation of distributed systems using reinforcement learning
JieZhaoProfileAutonomous workload management in federated cloud computing environments

Associated  Groups:

1. The Cloud Computing and Distributed Systems (CLOUDS) Laboratory

2. Melbourne eResearch Group (MEG)


Cloud, Edge, Quantum Projects (led by CLOUDS Lab)

eResearch Projects